Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan (FAQ)

15. Bagaimana cara menampilkan statistik uptime website/server saya?

Silakan login ke akun anda, lalu pilih "Laporan" -> "Laporan Publik" dan ikuti tahapannya.

Anda bisa me-link secara langsung ke URL laporan publik atau membuat iframe "invisible" pada website anda untuk menyertakan laporan publik tu.


<iframe src="your_public_report_url" scolling="no" align="center"
height="400" width="300" border="0" frameborder="0">
We are looking for a new translator to maintain the translation of this language. We will give you some free use of our service; you can either use the service yourself or resell to other people. This partnership is ideal if you plan to use or resell our service. Kindly note that we are NOT looking to hire a translator (ie. pay in cash). Please contact us if you are interested.