
2. 如何监测到网站或服务器是停止服务的?


  • 不能从互联网访问或
  • Ping的返回值是“超时”


  • 您的Web服务器不能从互联网访问
  • 您的Web服务器没有运行(不能连接到TCP 80端口)
  • The web server is running but does not respond to requests or returns invalid HTTP responses (according to HTTP specification)


  • 不能从互联网访问或
  • 您的服务器没有正常运行,我们不能连接到指定的端口


  • 通过互联网,访问URL失败
  • HTTP验证的用户名与密码错误
  • 没有监测到要含有的关键词
  • 出现了要排除的关键词
We are looking for a new translator to maintain the translation of this language. We will give you some free use of our service; you can either use the service yourself or resell to other people. This partnership is ideal if you plan to use or resell our service. Kindly note that we are NOT looking to hire a translator (ie. pay in cash). Please contact us if you are interested.